Page 14 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 14




COVID-19 RESPONSES                                  mental health of employees who have tested           of the project, SAGT thereafter introduced
                                                    positive or in isolation.                            an electronic payment process for making
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused massive                                                                 payments online.
disruption to business-as-usual and to              Furthermore, a visitor management policy was
people’s lives and livelihoods. At SAGT we          introduced to limit non-essential employees          SAGT was also the first to adopt Blockchain
managed to adapt seamlessly thanks to our           and visitors from entering/exiting the terminal.     Technology in Port of Colombo, through the
Business Continuity Plan and new ways of            Safety briefings containing COVID-19 related         collaboration with TradeLens, a digital platform
working.                                            safety instructions were delivered to visitors       jointly developed by A.P. Moller - Maersk
                                                    via a video, limiting social interactions. Visitors  and IBM. TradeLens is an interconnected
CARING FOR EMPLOYEES                                were required to complete a digital Health           ecosystem of supply chain partners and
                                                    declaration form prior to entering the terminal.     consolidates information from its partners for
Policies and processes of the Company were                                                               greater efficiency of supply chain activities.
redesigned in line with social distancing           DIGITAL INITIATIVES TO SUPPORT
directives issued by the Sri Lankan                 CUSTOMERS                                            OPERATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE
government. A work from home policy and                                                                  ENHANCEMENT AT SAGT
new work schedules were introduced in an
effort to limit employee exposure to external                                                            SAGT ordered 2 Ship-to-Shore (STS) quay
sources.                                                                                                 cranes (QC) and 46 new prime movers to
                                                                                                         enhance its operational efficiencies at the quay
Employees reporting to work were provided                                                                side. Furthermore, two Container Top Safety
with personal protective equipment (PPE),                                                                Work Cages (CTS-WC) were commissioned
while steps were taken to install hand                                                                   to enhance the safety of its container lashing
sanitizers, footbaths and hand washing                                                                   crew for operations on board.
stations within the high footfall traffic areas in
the terminal.                                       In keeping with social distancing directives of      SUPPORT FOR THE COMMUNITY
                                                    the new normal, SAGT was at the forefront of
The Company initiated several measures              changing a decades old physical and paper-           In this time of crisis, SAGT together with
to take care of employees and their close           based import clearance process through               other private sector organisations supported
contacts who tested positive for COVID-19.          the introduction of a simple email-based             the establishment of a Molecular Diagnostic
A ration pack and hospital pack containing          process for the processing of documents and          Laboratory at the National Institute of
essential items was arranged for the                issuance of electronic delivery advice (e-D/A).      Infectious Diseases (IDH) for the purpose
employees who tested positive for COVID-19          Following the success of the initial phase           of increasing Sri Lanka’s COVID-19 testing
or were in isolation. A COVID-19 counselling                                                             capacity. SAGT also donated Personal
team was also formed to strengthen the                                                                   Protective Equipment to frontline medical staff,
                                                                                                         showcasing its steadfast commitment towards
                                                                                                         corporate citizenship.
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