Page 23 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 23
SAGT’S SUSTAINABILITY POLICY Reporting and Identifying Policy and
External Stakeholder Framework
SAGT Sustainability Policy is anchored to Concerns
the principles of ethics and good corporate Assurance Data Tracking
behaviour. As such the Company remains SUSTAINABILITY Mechanism
committed to conduct its activities in Sustainability MANAGEMENT
accordance with the highest standards of Initiatives FRAMEWORK
corporate best practice and in compliance with
all applicable local and international regulatory Benchmarking and
requirements and conventions. At the same Variance
time, the Company monitors and assesses
the quality and environmental impact of its The framework includes: SOPs with regard to sustainability, while
operations while striving to include its supply remaining set of components is currently
chain partners and customers where relevant I. Identifying and prioritizing sustainability being reviewed and revised as necessary.
and to the greatest possible degree. To further focus areas: A Materiality Assessment is
demonstrate its commitment to its partners conducted to identify key stakeholders III. Data Collection : The Company’s
and customers, the Company also maintains and their concerns, which are then sustainability policy necessitates
transparent communication regarding its prioritised alongside those issues capturing, monitoring and tracking
environmental and social practices, in addition considered important and impactful to relevant sustainability indicators.
to its economic performance. This approach SAGT. A materiality assessment was The data collection is driven by a
stems from SAGT’s desire to see its customers completed in 2019 and is reviewed on an Sustainability Performance tracking
and other stakeholders become integral ongoing basis. tool (the Sustainability Performance
players in SAGT’s success story. Analyser) deployed in 2019, which collects,
II. Implementing the policy and framework: consolidates, and analyses information
Moreover, the Company aims to be known The prioritized Material Topics become the related to sustainability, on a quarterly
as an employer of choice, by providing basis of SAGT’s targeted Sustainability basis. The sustainability data thus
a safe, secure and non-discriminatory Policy and Strategy which outlines the gathered is compiled and analysed by the
working environment for its employees, by Company’s overall approach to key sustainability team. With effect from 2021
safeguarding employee rights and also by sustainability areas, thereby setting the it was decided that sustainability data
providing all employees with equal opportunity tone for the entire organisation and its would be gathered on a monthly basis
for personal and professional growth. In this employees. Following the rollout of the in addition to quarterly data in order to
regard, SAGT complies with all applicable Sustainability Management Framework strengthen and improve the accuracy of
national laws. Beyond this, the Company in 2019, SAGT has implemented several data available.
strives to emulate global best practices, policies, management procedures and
seeking continuous improvement of health
and safety in the workplace. To spearhead
this effort, the Company seeks dialogue with
employees and stakeholders to continuously
improve SAGT’s alignment with global best
As part of social responsibility commitments,
SAGT contributes to the socio-economic
development of society by through its
efforts to support education and livelihood