Page 24 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
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IV. Benchmarking and variance control : On SUSTAINABILITY ORGANISATIONAL Commercial & Marketing- Sustainability Division Sustainability Division
a continuous basis, SAGT benchmarks STRUCTURE
its sustainability performance against The Sustainability Management Framework is The Sustainability Division is tasked
industry best practices and standards as delivered across the entire organisation via the with operationalising the Sustainability
well as competitor performance while Sustainability Organisational Structure detailed Management Framework by embedding
also monitoring against internal goals and below. sustainability within the organisation’s
targets that may be set. processes. The duties and responsibilities of
CEO the Sustainability Division include:
V. Sustainability initiatives : SAGT undertakes
various initiatives that address identified Management Committee i. Overseeing and managing the input
areas of concern. These department- and approval of quarterly sustainability
level initiatives are designed to ensure Human Resources (HR) data gathered via the Sustainability
continuous improvement of SAGT’s Performance Analyser and liaising with the
overall sustainability performance Operations key departments such as Engineering, HR,
with a view to achieving cost savings, Operations, Security and Administration,
efficiency improvements and stakeholder Health Safety and Procurement, IT, Commercial and
engagement. Environment (HSE) Marketing and Finance to ensure data
pertaining to all sustainability areas
VI. Sustainability reporting : The Sustainability Engineering (economic, environmental, employees,
Framework entails annual disclosures on health &safety etc.) is captured in a timely
Sustainability performance. SAGT issues Finance manner.
a report structured along the Global
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Framework Purchasing ii. Tracking, collating, analysing, and feeding
to holistically showcase the Company’s sustainability data into the Sustainability
Sustainability performance to internal and Security and Administration Performance Analyser system on a
external stakeholders quarterly basis to generate the internal
Commercial and Marketing sustainability report, prepared for the
purpose of presenting the Company’s
IT sustainability performance to the CEO/
AND RESPONSIBILITIES iii. Facilitating the annual external
CEO & Management Committee assurance process, and the quarterly
The responsibility for the formulation of the internal assurance audits to verify
Company’s Sustainability Framework lies the completeness and accuracy of
with the CEO of SAGT, acting through the sustainability data, measurement
Management Committee (MC). The CEO processes and ensure adherence to
is responsible for developing policies and Sustainability Standard Operating
approaches, as well for fostering a culture of Procedures (SOPs).
sustainability throughout the organisation
iv. Carrying out research on industry best
practices, conducting benchmarking
studies and gap analyses and defining
sustainability goals and targets for the
Company to work towards.
v. Identifying new initiatives, process
improvements and areas for cost savings,
while working with key departments
to implement these measures and
maintaining follow up where appropriate.