Page 27 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 27
Stakeholder Method of Engagement Basis of Engagement Frequency Issues/ Concerns
Employees - Email
- Materiality survey and interviews - Meeting Minutes - Every 2 -3 years - Salary/Benefits/Career
Shareholders - Townhall Sessions - Performance appraisal - Monthly development
- Employee appraisals - Annually
- Training and development form - Ongoing - Training and Development
- As needed - Occupational Health and Safety
programmes - Survey Reports - Weekly
- Company events, - As needed (OHS)
- Toolbox meetings, - Meeting Minutes - Quarterly - Equal opportunities
- Surveys - Email, meetings - Regularly
- Newsletters - Ongoing
- Notice boards
- Intranet and Social media Board meeting - Dividend
thrice a year and - Governance
platforms Audit committee - Compliance
- Materiality survey and interviews meeting - Timely information on business
- Sustainability Report
- Other interactions Monthly, Quarterly performance, strategy, operating
landscape and business outlook
Trade Unions - Meetings with trade union reps - Meeting Minutes
- Meeting with CEO - Correspondence, - Benefits/Rights for members
Government - CA Discussion - Collective Agreement - Compliance
- Meeting with parent Union trade - MOU - Grievance Handling
Bodies officials - Permission request - As needed - Regulatory Compliance
- Formal and Informal letters - Annually - Impact to Environment
Industry peers - Annually - Industrial Relations
communication -Audits, - Agreement - As needed
Local - Joint Inspections - Compliance licenses
Community - Other Meetings - Request Letters - Monthly, Annually - Environment Compliance
Global industry - Survey Reports, - Annually - Employee health and safety
monitors - Meetings - Inspection Reports, - Equipment testing
- Compliance Audits
License Renewal - Daily - Cooperation
- Meeting with working group levels documents, Audit - As needed - Ethical Business
(ITT) Reports - As needed - Port strategies for Hub Status
- Meeting minutes
- Meetings to discuss/overcome - Circulars - As needed - Employment of Local
operational issues - Email and other - As needed - Training
correspondence - CSR activities
- Other interactions - Annually
- Partnerships with Non-Profit - Request Letters, - As needed - Environmental Impact
- Agreements - Cooperate Ethics
Organisations - Social Responsibility
- Community engagement and - Letters, Emails
CSR programmes
- Meetings
- Events