Page 4 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 4

CONTENTS                                                                04

      03                                                                CEO’S
       THE REPORT                                                       During the financial year in review too, SAGT
                                                                        continued to achieve a throughput beyond its original
              This is the second consecutive annual                     design capacity of 1.1million TEUs (Twenty-foot
              sustainability report published by South Asia             Equivalent Units), handling an annual throughout of
              Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd (SAGT), through               1.8 million TEUs. This volume was however an 11%
              which the Company aims to communicate the                 decline from the previous year, mainly stemming from
              progress of its sustainability commitments for            the impacts of the global pandemic on our customers’
              the period 01st April 2020 to 31st March 2021.            business and the Sri Lankan economy.

      10                                                                14

       ABOUT SAGT                                                       SUSTAINABILITY
              Incorporated in 1999, South Asia Gateway Terminals
              (SAGT) is the first public private partnership container            Total Carbon Footprint per box move (kg)
              terminal in Sri Lanka, based at Port of Colombo. SAGT
              is considered a Board of Investment’s (BOI) flagship          23.9
              entity. John Keells Holdings, A P Moller - Maersk
              Group, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority and Evergreen                  Electricity per box moved (kWh)
              Marine Corporation are SAGT’s key shareholders
              with a collective stake of 57% in the Company.                16.8

      16                                                                48

       GOVERNANCE                                                       ASSURANCE
              SAGT’s Corporate Governance framework is a
              well-structured one, with internal benchmarks,            52
              processes and structures that are designed to
              support the creation of sustainable value for             GRI CONTENT INDEX
              all stakeholders.
                                                                        The sustainability information has been prepared in
                                                                        accordance with the GRI Standards: Core options
                                                                        of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability
                                                                        Reporting Standard.
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