Page 43 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 43
SAGT is an equal opportunity provider and encourage workplace diversity
EMPLOYEE DIVERSITY & EQUAL SAGT strives to be a conducive, respectful and Workforce by 2020/21 2019/20
OPPORTUNITY safe work environment where all employees Employment
feel valued for their contribution. Diversity 702 702
GRI 102-8: Information on Employees and is nurtured and encouraged and supported Total Permanent 4 2
Other Workers by zero tolerance for discrimination. The Employees
Company does not discriminate against Total Contract 819 856
GRI 405-1: Diversity of governance bodies employees on the basis of age, gender, marital Employees
and employees status, religious beliefs or any other status Sub- Contract
protected by law. This principle is applied to all Casual Labour
SAGT is an equal opportunity employer. All HR processes such as recruitment, selection,
employees are remunerated equally and in training, development and promotion. Contractors’ personnel reflected in the
line with relevant labour laws and regulations. Sub-Contract Casual Labour contingent
SAGT is compliant with Sri Lanka’s legislative SAGT’s employed 1,521 employees on its works alongside SAGT’s own employees in
requirements covering benefit plans for workforce as of 31st March 2021. Of these, the Company’s workforce of Lashers, Quay
employees and makes contributions to the 702 were permanent employees, 04 were on Crane Drivers etc. The nature of their work
Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) and the contract basis and the remaining 819 were requires a high degree of safety training,
Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF), on behalf subcontracted casual labour. All employees of personal protective equipment and uniforms,
of all employees. In accordance with the SAGT reside in Sri Lanka. which are proactively provided by SAGT.
Gratuity Act No 12 of 1983, all employees with These workers also enjoy the same resting
more than 5 years of service are entitled to and canteen facilities as other staff members.
retirement gratuity of half of their last drawn SAGT engages with the manpower contractor
monthly salary for every year of service. to ensure that EPF and ETF contributions
are made in a timely manner on behalf of