Page 46 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
P. 46
Job categories currently classified as high risk respective work locations. Furthermore, the 403-7 Prevention and mitigation of
include Quay Crane Operators, RTG Operators, HSE Department promotes the safety culture occupational health and safety impacts
and maintenance staff. All those employed in through staff briefings, toolbox meetings as directly linked by business relationships
these high-risk roles are required to complete well as through electronic displays, notice
a series of mandatory medical tests every two boards, suggestion boxes and safety alerts via SAGT’s comprehensive OHSMS consists of
years; new recruits to these roles are only mobiles. a framework of SOPs and practices which
hired once the necessary medical clearances have been developed to ensure the safety of
have been obtained. 403-5 Worker training on occupational employees, contracted workers and any third-
health and safety party visitors at the Company’s premises at
A visiting Medical Doctor and a full-time any given time. All workers on-site, irrespective
medical emergency team as well as an onsite Employees and contractors are provided of their employment contract, are provided
medical clinic are available, and any employee, with Health & Safety Training at regular training in health and safety while third parties
contractor, or visitor to SAGT can access their intervals through scheduled programmes. receive a mandatory safety briefing before
services free of charge in case of an accident. This process is guided by the annual training they enter SAGT premises. The in-house
The Company also engages workers on a plan developed by the HSE Manager and medical facilities are extended to all workers
continuous basis on ensure their stress levels the Training and Development Manager, in and visitors in the event of any accident.
and any phobias are identified on time. In consultation with respective Departmental Regular medical checks are conducted for
the event any employee is found unsuitable Heads. staff and contract workers, by the Company
for high-risk job categories, SAGT provides and contractors respectively. The Health,
the employee with financial assistance and The annual plan entails drawing up a skills Safety and Environment Department has
emotional support, if necessary, and assist training matrix to cover individual training provided continuous training online during the
such employees to adjust to an alternative role. requirements; the plan is also updated based pandemic.
on actual incidents and/or near misses. Daily
403-4 Worker participation, consultation, briefings carried out as part of the morning GRI 403-9: Work Related Injuries
and communication on occupational health tool-box meetings also serve as an important
and safety training opportunity. Safety is a core value at SAGT. As such, the
Company seeks to minimise any avoidable
Workers across the Company are encouraged Employees engaged in high-risk jobs are injuries and occupational illnesses, providing a
to get involved in health and safety matters. given customized training in safe handling safe and secure work environment through the
Employees have direct access to their and maintenance of equipment. The Company adoption of sound risk management principles.
supervisors as well as the Manager - Health draws upon internal resource persons as well
& Safety should they need to discuss as external subject matter experts to conduct The Company expects its employees follow
matters pertaining to their safety at work. the specialized training. In addition, all visitors sound safety principles, while any third parties
They may also communicate their ideas and to SAGT’s terminal premises, irrespective of visiting the premises are required to follow
recommendations to the management via the the purpose, are required to adhere to the SAGT’s Health & Safety policy.
suggestion boxes provided. Trade Unions are Health & Safety SOP of SAGT, which includes
expected to communicate health and safety a mandatory safety briefing. Recordable Injuries
concerns in writing or at meetings.
403-6 Promotion of worker health There were no fatalities or high consequence
Several committees hold overall responsibility injuries that were recorded among SAGT
for ensuring that SAGT complies with Workers in high-risk job categories have to employees in the FY 2020/21. However, 16
corporate and legislative obligations governing undergo a mandatory medical check once recordable injuries (injuries that require a
health and safety. every two years. All expenses in this regard recovery time greater than 1 day and less than
are borne by the Company. While such 6 months) were noted across both employees
Emergency procedures are executed by the medical checks predominantly cover the and subcontractors’ personnel categories,
Emergency Response Teams (ERT) assigned suitability for the job, it also highlights the which resulted in 64 lost days for the year.
to each shift. Such teams are made up of workers’ overall health and general fitness This represented a 70% increase in recordable
cross functional teams consisting of shift level. Further, the Company works directly with injuries and this significant increase is mainly
managers, executives, operation staff and Contractors to ensure personnel deployed by due to a single employee sustaining an injury
technical staff, and are equipped to provide such contractors also receive similar medical which resulted in greater number of lost
appropriate emergency procedures in their checks. Wellness programs are provided days. Of the aforementioned injuries, 5 were
based on the findings from these medical recorded among employees, while the balance
checks. was recorded by sub-contractor’s personnel.