Page 5 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
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A WGROERBEIRNLNIVNDEGESITRNCINGLGFTOUHINETSEURR.E. This is the second consecutive annual sustainability report published by South
SOUTHSUASSTIAAINGAABTIELWITAYYRTEEPROMRITN2A0L2S0(/P2V1T) LTD Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd (SAGT), through which the Company aims to
communicate the progress of its sustainability commitments for the period 01st April
2020 to 31st March 2021.
As in the first report published in the year 2019-20, SAGT continues to follow the
disclosures set out by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards as the basis of
its sustainability reporting. Please refer the GRI Content Index on page 52 for the full
list of disclosures referenced in this report.
The ‘Sustainability Integration’ section of this report outlines the Applying the Precautionary Principle
operationalization of these themes in the day-to-day business SAGT’s operational decisions are guided
through the Company’s Sustainability Policy. by the “Precautionary Principleâ€. Hence,
the Company considers resource
SCOPE AND BOUNDARY The ‘Material Topics’ section on page 26 refers consumption, environmental pollution
to the key sustainability topics addressed by and climate change as areas of high
This Report reflects SAGT’s approach to SAGT’s Sustainability Policy. priority.
embed Environmental, Social and Governance At minimum, SAGT ensures full
(ESG) standards to its core business Key Sustainability Topics and Concerns’ on compliance with all laws and regulations
operations to drive its triple-bottom-line pages 26-31 identifies the key sustainability applicable to the business.
performance. All sustainability information topics operationalized and other areas that Beyond the statutory obligations, SAGT
contained within this report is based on the were prioritized for impact assessment strives to benchmark industry norms
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: resolution. and other global best practices.
The information and disclosures contained in We value your opinion to help us improve and
this report are in adherence to GRI principles. The information presented in this report has progress in our approach to sustainability and
Accordingly, key sustainability themes such been reviewed by the senior management sustainability communication and request that
as Materiality, Stakeholder inclusiveness and team of the Company and conforms to the your comments and feedback be directed to:
Sustainability context were determined based methodologies discussed in the ‘Corporate
on the GRI principles. Governance’ section of this report. The
sustainability indicators, including the
The ‘Sustainability Integration’ section of this calculation methodologies, assumptions and
report outlines the operationalization of these estimations applied in their compilation are in
themes in the day-to-day business through the accordance with GRI standard Guidelines as
Company’s Sustainability Policy. well as standard industry practices.
The ’Stakeholder Engagement’ section of this Furthermore, this report has been
report illustrates the methodology adopted by independently assured based on AA1000AS –
SAGT in identifying its key stakeholders and Type 2 moderate level of assurance by DNVGL
the manner in which SAGT engaged with them represented in Sri Lanka by DNVGL Business
throughout the year. Assurance Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.