Page 50 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
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SCOPE AND APPROACH                                 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE                          BASIS OF OUR OPINION
                                                   MANAGEMENT OF SAGT AND OF THE
DNV represented by DNV Business                    ASSURANCE PROVIDER                               We planned and performed our work to
Assurance Lanka (Private) Limited has been                                                          obtain the evidence considered necessary
commissioned by the management of South            The Management of SAGT has the sole              to provide a basis for our assurance opinion,
Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd. (‘SAGT’ or       responsibility for the preparation of the        and as part of the assurance engagement, a
‘the Company’, Company Registration Number         Report as well as the processes for collecting,  multi-disciplinary team of sustainability and
PV326) to carry out an independent assurance       analysing and reporting the information          assurance specialists reviewed sustainability
engagement for SAGT’s Sustainability Report        presented in the Report. SAGT is also            disclosures related to SAGT’s operations in
2020 – 2021 (‘the Report’) in its printed format.  responsible for ensuring the maintenance         Colombo, Sri Lanka. Due to the outbreak
The sustainability performance in this Report      and integrity of its website and referenced      of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated
covers SAGT’s disclosures related to material      disclosures on sustainability performance        travel restrictions, we carried out remote
topics for the financial year 1 April 2020 – 31    and management approach. In performing           assessments with SAGT as one-to-one and
March 2021. The sustainability disclosures in      this assurance work, DNV’s responsibility        in-person discussions and onsite location
this Report have been prepared by SAGT in          is to the Management of SAGT; however,           assessments were not feasible. We undertook
accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative    this statement represents our independent        the following activities:
(GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards           opinion and is intended to inform the outcome
2016 (‘GRI Standards’) and its Core option of      of the assurance to the stakeholders of the      •	 Review of SAGT’s approach to stakeholder
reporting.                                         Company.                                            engagement and materiality determination
                                                                                                       process and the outcome as presented
We performed our verification (Type                DNV’s assurance engagements are based on            in this Report. We did not have any direct
2, Moderate level) activities based on             the assumption that the data and information        engagement with external stakeholders;
AccountAbility’s AA1000 Assurance                  provided by the client to us as part of our
Standard v3, DNV’s assurance methodology           review have been provided in good faith          •	 Interviews with selected senior managers
VeriSustainTM , which is based on our              and free from misstatements. We were not            responsible for management of
professional experience, international             involved in the preparation of any statements       sustainability issues and review of selected
assurance best practices including                 or data included in the Report except for this      evidence to support issues disclosed
International Standard on Assurance                Assurance Statement.                                within the Report. We were free to choose
Engagements 3000 (ISAE 3000) Revised* and                                                              interviewees and interviewed those
GRI’s Reporting Principles. Our assurance          The reporting Topic Boundaries of                   with overall responsibility to deliver the
engagement was planned and carried out in          sustainability performance covers SAGT’s            Company’s sustainability objectives;
November 2021.                                     operations at the Port of Colombo, Sri
                                                   Lanka, as indicated in the Report in the         •	 Remote assessments with management
The intended user of this assurance statement      sections ‘About the Report’ and ‘Sustainability     teams of SAGT to review processes and
is the Management of SAGT. We disclaim any         Integration’. The reported data on economic         systems for preparing the sustainability
liability or responsibility to a third party for   performance, and other financial data are           data, and implementation of sustainability
decisions, whether investment or otherwise,        based on audited financial statements issued        strategy and management approach as per
based on this Assurance Statement. We              by the Company’s statutory auditors.                GRI Standards;
planned and performed our work to obtain the
evidence we considered necessary to provide                                                         •	 Review of internal audit findings and
a basis for our assurance opinion and this                                                             outcomes for sampled performance
process did not involve engagement with any                                                            disclosures;
external stakeholders.
                                                                                                    •	 Review of supporting evidences for key
                                                                                                       claims and performance data in the Report
                                                                                                       on a sample basis;
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