Page 52 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2021
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related to identified material topics. Further,    Reliability                                        Nothing has come to our attention to
the Management Team of SAGT is in the                                                                 suggest that the Report does not meet the
process of establishing the short-, medium-        The accuracy and comparability of information      requirements related to the Principle of
and long-term goals and targets which shall be     presented in the report, as well as the quality    Completeness with respect to scope, boundary
disclosed in future reporting periods.             of underlying data management systems.             and time.

Nothing has come to our attention to               SAGT has established a process and standard        Neutrality
suggest that the Report does not meet the          operating procedures to collate and analyse
requirements related to the Principle of           sustainability data related to its identified      The extent to which a report provides a
Responsiveness.                                    material issues on a quarterly basis. Further,     balanced account of an organization’s
                                                   internal audits are carried out to validate        performance, delivered in a neutral tone.
Impact                                             the accuracy of qualitative and quantitative
                                                   disclosures based on the Company’s                 The Report presents GRI disclosures related
The level to which an organisation monitors,       Sustainability Standard Operating Procedures.      to identified material topics, key concerns
measures and is accountable for how its            The majority of data and information verified      of internal and external stakeholders and
actions affect its broader ecosystems.             through our remote assessments and reviews         sustainability performance in a neutral and
                                                   with SAGT’s teams at the Port of Colombo           balanced tone in terms of content and
The Report articulates the processes through       were found to be accurate and reliable. Some       presentation, along with key challenges
which SAGT identifies, evaluates and manages       of the data inaccuracies identified during         faced during the reporting period considering
key impacts (internal and external) caused by      the verification process were found to be          the overall sustainability context of SAGT’s
its operations. Further, the Report also brings    attributable to transcription, interpretation and  operations.
out its management approach and related            aggregation errors and the errors have been
strategies to mitigate potential and actual        identified, communicated and corrected.            Nothing has come to our attention to
operational impacts.                                                                                  suggest that the Report does not meet the
                                                   Nothing has come to our attention to               requirements related to the Principle of
Nothing has come to our attention to               suggest that the Report does not meet the          Neutrality.
suggest that the Report does not meet the          requirements related to the Principle of
requirements related to the Principle of Impact.   Reliability.                                       STATEMENT OF COMPETENCE AND
Specific Evaluation of the Information on          Additional principles as per DNV VeriSustain
Sustainability Performance                                                                            DNV applies its own management standards
                                                   Completeness                                       and compliance policies for quality control,
We consider the methodology and the                                                                   in accordance with ISO IEC 17021:2015 -
process for gathering information developed        How much of all the information that has been      Conformity Assessment Requirements for
by SAGT for its sustainability performance         identified as material to the organisation and     bodies providing audit and certification of
reporting to be appropriate, and the qualitative   its stakeholders is reported                       management systems, and accordingly
and quantitative data included in the Report                                                          maintains a comprehensive system of quality
was found to be identifiable and traceable;        The Report brings out scope and boundary           control including documented policies and
the personnel responsible were able to             of identified material topics for the reporting    procedures regarding compliance with ethical
demonstrate the origin and interpretation of       period based on the GRI Standards: Core            requirements, professional standards and
the data and its reliability. Nothing has come to  option of reporting and chosen topic-specific      applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
our attention that the information provided to     standards corresponding to identified
us was inconsistent, inaccurate and unreliable,    material topics representing its economic,         We have complied with the DNV Code of
or that the Report is not a faithful description   environmental and social performance during        Conduct during the assurance engagement
of SAGT’s reported sustainability activities for   the period 2020-2021 for SAGT’s operations at      and maintain independence where required
the reporting period.                              the Port of Colombo.                               by relevant ethical requirements including
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