Page 17 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
P. 17
SUSTAINABILITY 2020/2021 2019/2020 %
450 648
Material Usage & Waste Management 103,905 89,694
RTG Tyres in Nos 84,060 108,305
PM Tyres in Nos 3,137 2,210
Lubricants in Litres 1,018,246 1,253,725
Rope in Kgs
ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIPA4 Paper and Letter Heads (Nos. of 500 paged Reams)0 0
Waste Generated (Kgs) 70,460 80,335
Waste Recycled, Recovered or Reused % 947,786 1,173,390 -
Total Waste sent to Landfill (Kg)* 19,220,990 17,569,148
Total Hazardous waste (Kg) -
Total Non-Hazardous Waste (Kg) ** 16.8 13.0 -
Total Electricity Used (kWh) 6,165,137 6,397,321 -
Electricity kWh per Box moved
Total Diesel Consumed (Litres) 5.4 4.7
Diesel usage (L) per Box moved 662 1,149
Total Petrol Consumed (Litres) 0.0001 0.0001
Petrol usage (L) per Box moved 33,563 34,875
Total LPG usage (kg) 257,841 259,013
Total Energy consumed in GJ 0.22 0.19
Total Energy in GJ per Box Moved 13,962 14,489
Scope 1 Carbon Footprint (MT) 13,534 12,371
Scope 2 Carbon Footprint (MT) 27,496 26,860
Total Carbon Footprint (MT) 23.9 19.8
Total Carbon Footprint Kg per Box Move Within CEA Within CEA
Emissions of NOx, SOx and other air emissions tolerance tolerance
limits limits
Water Withdrawn (m3) from non-water stressed areas 56,953 58,409
Water Withdrawn (L) per box moved 49.66 43.26
Discharge quality of effluent Within CEA Within CEA
tolerance tolerance
Total significant fines paid (LKR) *** limits limits
No. of significant spills ****
*Waste process Under further review
** Waste process Under further review
*** Significant fines are fines over Rs. 1Mn
**** Significant Spills are spills over 1 m3