Page 21 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
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assigning clear objectives for specific roles. GRI 205: Anti-Corruption Practices SAGT maintains formal contracts to engage
The Senior Management Team consists of with principal shipping lines while at an
09 members, including the CEO and relevant At SAGT, sustainable economic performance operational level, day-to-day interactions take
departmental GMs/DGMs (HR, Operations, enables the creation of greater stakeholder place with their nominated representatives.
Commercial & Marketing, I.T, Finance, value. It is achieved by entrenching corporate Interactions with our providers of capital
Engineering). governance, environmental stewardship –primary shareholders and financiers - are
and social responsibility of the very highest continuous while disclosures therein go
The Management Committee consists of 20 standards in our operations. beyond statutory requirements.
Members including the CEO, all GMs and
selected Managers across the Company. SAGT considers ethical business practices Suppliers engage with SAGT’s Procurement
Out of the 20 members there is one female to be an organisational norm that trickles Division engages daily while the division
member, and the CEO chairs the committee. down from the top management down to the makes effort to raise awareness about
individual employee. SAGT’s Code of Conduct sustainability through focused engagement
The areas that come under the purview of the is the key tool in reinforcing ethics and with significant suppliers. Further details on
SMT / MC are the KPI’s set out under SAGT’s integrity. All new recruits are expected to read stakeholder engagement are provided in
Sustainability Management Framework, and sign their acceptance of SAGT’s code of the ‘Sustainability Integration’ section of this
including the Company’s Carbon Footprint, conduct along with their letter of appointment. report.
Water Management, Energy Consumption, They are also informed of remedial actions
Health & Safety, Waste Management and and disciplinary actions that would result from Understanding the specific concerns of
other compliance based KPIs. Quarterly any violations of said code. Various channels, stakeholders is important to determining
reviews of these indicators allow the SMT including the Company’s Whistleblowing Policy SAGT’s response. To this end, SAGT undertook
and MC to take corrective action with regard is in place to allow employees to report any an internal stakeholder engagement
to any potential environmental and social breaches of the code (with the assurance of perception study in 2019. Details of this study
risks, and also establishes the groundwork non-disclosure). Alternatively, employees can including its methodology and outcomes are
for implementation of green initiatives and report incidents directly to the CEO via email. provided in the “Sustainability Integrationâ€
systematically drive SAGT’s Corporate Social section of this report.
Responsibility (CSR) agenda. A detailed Meanwhile SAGT’s zero tolerance approach
overview of the Sustainability Management towards corruption is enforced through the Employee engagement is driven through a
Framework is provided in the “Sustainability Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy which comprehensive set of policies, processes
Integration’’ section of this Sustainability contains guidelines and frameworks to enact and systems designed to ensure effective
Report. disciplinary action, should the need arise. The recruitment, development and retention of
risk of corruption is assessed as part of the employees and to empower them in their roles.
The SMT and MC meet regularly to discuss risk management process at each business Employee engagement includes :
key areas under their purview and ensure unit and preventative and mitigation plans are
ongoing improvement. The agendas of the put in place to reduce such risks. i. Involving all levels of employees when
SMT and the MC are carefully structured to departmental plans are formulated under
avoid duplication of effort and to ensure that There were no incidences of corruption during the leadership of top management and
discussions and debates are complementary, the reporting year. other senior staff. By adopting a bottom-
both in terms of a bottom-up and top-down up approach, employees are empowered
flow of information and accountability. Stakeholder Engagement to become part of policy development.
Meeting schedules are communicated to the
participants well in advance. The diversity of SAGT’s stakeholder base ii. Committee structures in practice allow
necessitates interaction through multiple all employees access to every level of
The Senior Management Team (SMT) meets means using both formal and informal management.
on a daily basis, the Management Committee channels.
(MC) meets on a monthly basis. Owing to the iii. Employees are encouraged to express
COVID-19 pandemic, the daily SMT meetings Many of these interactions are undertaken new ideas, constructive criticism and
were conducted via MS Teams. In the absence at regular intervals and in the spirit of feedback through an open-door policy
of a compelling reason, attendance at SMT transparency. which serves as the basis of more
and MC meetings was made mandatory for informed decision making.
the respective Committee members.