Page 22 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
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SUSTAINABILITY INTEGRATION                          terminal operator. SAGT has chosen the GRI           framework to facilitate continuous and ongoing
                                                    Standards and the UN Sustainable Development         dialogues with its various stakeholder groups.
Sustainability Strategy and Governance              Goals (UNSDG) as the basis of embedding              These interactions have proven to be invaluable
                                                    sustainability at all levels of the operation.       in identifying the significant economic,
Shipping and Port operations have long been                                                              environmental and social aspects deemed
the lifeblood of the global economy. Ports are      Since declaring Sustainability to be one of          relevant by the Company’s key stakeholders.
an essential part of the shipping industry and      its strategic imperatives, SAGT has focused          These aspects or Material Topics are then
seaports in particular remain the main nodules      on integrating sustainability within its wider       integrated into SAGT’s strategy and necessary
in the maritime transit network facilitating        business strategy in an effort to make a more        action is taken in line with the Management
intercontinental trade. In global context seaports  impactful contribution to the Company’s triple       Approach specified for each Material Topic.
serve as points of convergence between the          bottom line agenda. Accordingly, SAGT’s              Management Approaches are developed using
land and maritime domains of passengers and         sustainability strategy is designed to support       the guidelines set out by the GRI Standards
freight circulation. The global shipping and        the Company’s business strategy vis-a-vis three      and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
logistics industry which is responsible for the     key pillars: responsible economic contribution,      (UNSDG). These Management Approaches are
carriage of around 90% of world trade, relies       environmental stewardship and social                 reviewed annually by the Senior Management
heavily on the worldwide network of seaports to     responsibility. Cascading from this, several key     Team of SAGT, acting through the Management
ensure global supply chains are up and running.     priorities have been identified under each pillar,   Committee and Sustainability Division, to ensure
                                                    to create a framework for sustainability at a        its effectiveness and applicability.
SAGT, as a major port terminal operator in          granular level. These priorities are based on the
the South Asian region, is proud of its role in     Material sustainability topics that drive long-term  Material topics also provide the basis for
connecting Sri Lanka with the world through         value for the business and its stakeholders.         measuring SAGT’s sustainability performance
new opportunities and world class experiences.                                                           to demonstrate the triple bottom line of the
To further build on the success achieved thus       Material Topics are identified by engagement         Company. Sustainability performance is
far, the Company has now set its sights on          with the Company’s stakeholders. SAGT                monitored, analysed and reported periodically for
being recognised as the most trusted port           believes that taking account of the interests        decision making purposes.
terminal operator in the region. Stemming from      of its stakeholders and their opinions is vital to
this the Company’s endeavouring to realign          ensuring the business grows sustainably over         This segment provides an overview of SAGT’s
its sustainability credentials on par with global   time. In an effort to understand the needs and       strategic sustainability framework and
standards, which it is hoped will pave the way      expectations of stakeholders, SAGT employs           showcases how sustainability is embedded
for SAGT to redefine its status quo and be          a broad-based stakeholder engagement                 across the business at all levels of operation.
known as the region’s most sustainable port

SAGT is dedicated to enhancing stakeholder value creation by delivering sustainable economic performance in line with the highest standards of
                                        corporate governance, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility

                                                    OUR SUSTAINABILITY PRIORITIES

    Environment         Corporate                   Social Responsibility  Enabling work environment with a focus on
    Stewardship        Governance                                              Wellbeing, Safety, Security & Health
       Materials       Transparency                    Customer Privacy                         Employment
        Energy          Governance                      Socioeconomic                        Labour Relations
         Water        Accountability
      Emissions         Stakeholder                       Compliance                               Training
 Effluents & Waste     engagement                                                    Diversity & Equal Opportunity
     Environment     Code of Conduct
     Compliance        Sustainability                                                       Non-Discrimination
Supplier Assessment      Reporting                                                       Freedom of association
                                                                                     Forced & Compulsory Labour
                                                                                     Occupational Health & Safety
                                                                                       Customer Health & Safety

                                                                                              Cyber Security
                                                                                          Emergency Response
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