Page 25 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
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vi. Liaising with the marketing department Departments Based on the identified Furthermore, department teams are
to perform regular internal/external Material Topics and the selected encouraged to work within the organisational
campaigns to raise awareness and engage disclosures, a sustainability champion is value chain to improve sustainability
staff on key sustainability initiatives, appointed within each department and performance by creating awareness and
conducting knowledge-sharing sessions tasked with implementing the sustainability sharing knowledge on best practices in
to educate department teams on current management framework as relevant to sustainability.
sustainability trends and best practices. the particular area. Departments, working
through a designated sustainability SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING
vii. Liaising with risk functions to identify champion will be responsible for:
sustainability related risks that may SAGT maintains a two-tier sustainability
arise internally and across the value i. Tracking and recording sustainability reporting approach;
chain; working alongside the relevant data as per the detailed Sustainability
departments to assist identified suppliers Standard Operating Procedures. External Reporting
to mitigate their potential sustainability
risk and improve their sustainability ii. Ensuring the timely entry of External Reporting is through SAGT’s
performance over time. sustainability data into the system Sustainability Report prepared annually, which
and ensuring accuracy of information encompasses all operations of the Company
viii. Providing input to the CEO and MC on an entered. and aims to demonstrate SAGT’s triple
annual basis, for the preparation of the bottom line performance vis-a-vis the GRI
Company’s strategy and annual plans. iii. Ensuring maintenance of source sustainability reporting framework.
documentation/record books for
ix. Providing input on sustainability impacts purposes of internal sustainability Internal Reporting Process
associated with new projects undertaken assurance.
to ensure related risks are mitigated and SAGT’s issues a quarterly report internally
environmentally friendly considerations are iv. Working with the Sustainability Team on its sustainability performance; the report
incorporated at the planning stage. in order to implement sustainability includes selected sustainability disclosures as
initiatives and carry out process per the GRI standards on matters identified
x. Compiling and preparation of the Annual improvements relevant to their during the Materiality Assessment. By the end
Sustainability Report. respective department. of the next reporting cycle, SAGT plans to set
internal targets and goals on each of these
key sustainability topics.
Data Collation Data Consolidation and Entry Auditing Reporting and Presentation
• Relevant departments • Sustainability Division • Internal Auditing on a • Sustainability performance to be presented
quarterly basis to Mancom and CEO on a quarterly basis
• Quarterly Basis • Quarterly Basis • Third party auditing on • Publishing of the Annual Sustainability
an annual basis Report
Defining Report Content customers and other stakeholders become SAGT’s operational: high priority is afforded
integral players in its success story. Thus, to resource consumption, environmental
This report discloses the ways in which SAGT this report also provides a clear, concise, and pollution and climate change. Stakeholder
has strived to achieve an improved holistic, balanced overview of SAGT’s performance opinions, perspectives and concerns are key
triple-bottom line performance. It provides an towards its significant stakeholders. considerations in SAGT’s assessment of its
overview of the Company’s strategy, corporate material topics and strategy. This is the second
governance framework, risk management While ensuring that it is in compliance with report published by the Company and there
process, and its environmental and social all regulatory requirements, SAGT makes were no restatements or changes during the
responsibility efforts. SAGT’s strategic focus every attempt to go over and beyond period of the sustainability data specified.
is achieving best-in-class service and the business standards required by local The 2019/20 data provided in this report
Company is driven by a passion to see its laws. The “Precautionary Principle†guides