Page 26 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
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for purposes of comparative analysis was        with them and the key sustainability topics         report. The section titled ‘Key Sustainability
validated internally by management review.      identified through such engagement are              Topics and Concerns’ identifies the key
                                                provided in the “Stakeholder Engagement and         sustainability topics and other areas that were
Details on the methodology through which        Identification of Material Topics” section of this  prioritised for impact assessment resolution.
SAGT identifies stakeholders, engages

Stakeholder Engagement and Identification of Material Topics
Identification and Prioritisation of Stakeholders
Stakeholder Engagement is an important tenet of SAGT’s sustainability strategy.

SAGT is committed to engaging with its stakeholders to understand and determine how their concerns can be addressed consistently through the
day to day operations of the Company.


Customers Suppliers Employees                 Investors/   Trade   Government,             Local             Media,   Industry    Global
                                            Shareholders   Unions   Regulatory          Community            NGOs,     Peers    Regulators
                                                                   and Statutory                            Advocacy
                                              /Finance                                                       Groups
                                             Institutions             Bodies

As a first step towards facilitating effective  Strategy in that year. Stakeholders identified      number of different sub-groups which may
stakeholder engagement, the Company seeks       through the discussion process include:             differ in terms of their impact-influence ratings.
to identify its primary stakeholders based on   Internal stakeholders such as employees,
their ability to influence operations of SAGT   and investors/ shareholders, and external           Meanwhile, the fundamental impact-influence
and vice versa.                                 stakeholders like customers, suppliers,             matrix for the broader stakeholder groups
                                                debt providers, government regulators and           is used as the basis of designing a suitable
The process of identifying various stakeholder  statutory bodies, local communities, the media,     engagement methodology, determining the
groups is based on discussions with key         competitors and global industry monitors. The       basis of engagement and establishing the
business units and operational departments.     listed stakeholders were then mapped based          frequency of engagement as well as assigning
The first series of discussions were            on an impact-influence matrix. It was noted         responsibilities for implementing engagement
undertaken in 2018, in conjunction with         that each stakeholder group consists of a           activities and data gathering.
the initial launch of SAGT’s Sustainability

Stakeholder  Method of Engagement                          Basis of Engagement          Frequency           Issues/ Concerns
             -	 Materiality survey and interviews          -	 Meeting Minutes           -	 Every 2-3 years  1.	 Competitive pricing
             -	 Customer feedback                          -	 Feedback Form             -	Annually          2.	Berth productivity/Reliability
             -	 One-on-one communication                   -	 Emails, meetings, visits  -	Regularly         3.	CO2 Emissions
             -	 Sustainability Report                                                   -	Annually

Suppliers    -	 Correspondence with major                  -	 PO, Tender Documents      -	Ongoing           -	 Price and Volume
                suppliers                                  -	 Supplier self-                                -	 Credit period
                                                                                        -	Annually          -	 Longevity of contracts
             -	 Supplier audits                               assessment Form           -	Annually          -	 Operational matters and business
             -	 Sustainability Report
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