Page 45 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2022 2023
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last study undertaken. The partnership with SAGT operationalises the OHSMS across the and other action if necessary, and to further
GPTW has been of particular importance Company via a dedicated Health & Safety strengthen/amend the SOPs while increasing
in implementing gender-smart actions in Team, headed by a Manager. awareness on the importance of the SOPs.
the workplace; these efforts have produced In incidents that involve any serious injury, a
exceptional results and brought about The OHSMS undergoes internal and external complete audit is carried out to review the
significant changes. audit and review by experts on the subject. Health & Safety practices surrounding the
The Company is working towards ISO 45000 activity that led to the injury.
By promoting workplace diversity, equal certification for its health and safety systems.
opportunity and non-discrimination, SAGT Safety briefings are undertaken as part of
contributes to three SDGs and several targets 403-2 Hazard identification, risk the daily toolbox meetings, while the entire
therein, namely, SDG 05: Gender Equality, assessment, and incident investigation terminal operation is covered by CCTV
SDG 08: Decent Work and Economic Growth cameras enabling the Health & Safety Team
and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. All key facets of SAGT’s operations are to continuously monitor operations and ensure
governed by a Hazard Identification Risk adherence to SOPs. Regular walk-around and
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Assessment (HIRA) grid which was developed inspections are carried out by the Health &
along best practice identified by global Safety Team.
SAGT’s Safety Strategy is aimed at building terminal operator A P Moller Terminals, which
the capacity to manage risks under variable is a sponsor shareholder of SAGT. The grid Meanwhile, every non-standard activity
conditions. The Safety Strategy is built around targets five major risk categories - the “Fatal across the terminal is preceded by a formal
engaging with workers (employees and Five†– which are Transportation, Suspended documented Risk Assessment by all the
contractor’s personnel), building capacity and Loads and Lifting, Working at Heights, Stored relevant stakeholders associated in the activity.
promoting a learning culture. The Company’s Energy and Control of Contractors. SOP’s are in place to implement a colour card
leadership provides oversight for implementing system of tagging malfunctioning equipment,
the Safety Strategy and for setting the tone All risks pertaining to these five critical areas or equipment requiring repair (Lock Out
from the top to promote the safety culture are reviewed and inspected on an ongoing Tag Out – LOTO). This ensures there is
across the organisation. In this regard, the basis to ensure that the relevant SOPs are no unintentional use of such equipment.
Company’s leaders actively engage with front- adhered to. It is compulsory that the Terminal Furthermore, all materials are stored with their
line employees to build capacity and establish Manager maintains a daily shift log, which Material Safety Data Sheets on display at the
safety targets to address potential risk factors records all details of any near misses or other storage points and in high-risk areas safety
that can contribute to the occurrence of safety breaches across the terminal during a hoarding.
accidents, and to manage the outcome of the particular shift. The shift log is updated twice
accidents when they do occur. The Safety daily at the end of each shift. SAGT deems it compulsory that personnel
Strategy includes regular safety training and working or visiting any area outside the office,
emergency drills to ensure employees are There is a formal system in place to deal administration, resting and canteen areas of
aware of emergency procedures. with any instances of non-adherence to the facility must be clad in Personal Protective
SOPs, near misses or incidences that may Equipment (PPE), safety shoes, hard hat
403-1 Occupational health and safety arise. Immediately after such an incident, the and high visibility clothing, as a minimum.
management system most senior executive on duty is required to Depending on the type of work and the area of
launch an immediate investigation and file an the terminal being access, the Company may
SAGT manages health and safety in a initial Accident/Incident Investigation Report also mandate other PPE accessories such as
systematic manner through a framework (AIR) which is complete with all details and gloves, goggles and mufflers. All types of PPE
that includes a comprehensive Occupational photographs. The AIR is then widely circulated in use at SAGT are of internationally certified
Health and Safety Management System to all shift managers and corporate leadership standard. Reminders to wear relevant PPE, are
(OHSMS), accompanied by a Health & Safety in order to make every leader and supervisor displayed prominently at all key points.
Policy and Standard Operating Procedures immediately aware of the incident. An Incident
(SOPs), which cover employees, contractor’s Investigation Team (IIT) is then tasked with 403-3 Occupational health services
personnel and any third party visiting SAGT reviewing the AIR; the IIT will be composed
premises. Sri Lanka’s labour laws stipulate the of all relevant personnel within the chain of SAGT considers it imperative that the risks
safety of all workers and through the OHSMS, responsibility and chaired by the HSE Head. faced by workers in high-risk job categories
the Company meets and exceeds the statutory The IIT conducts a formal, documented inquiry are clearly identified, well documented
requirements. into the incidents with a view to identifying and reviewed regularly. The Company has
the root cause. The findings of each IIT are conducted a job-wise risk assessment to
used both to initiate any disciplinary action ensure these risks are effectively managed.