Page 12 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
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OUR PURPOSE                                OUR VISION                                                ESTABLISHED IN

Empowering                                 To be the most                                            1999
Sri Lanka’s Hub                            trusted gateway in                                        16M
Aspirations.                               the Indian Ocean.
                                                                                                     ACCESS CHANNEL
•	 To safely turnaround all ships within an optimum time (24x7x365)
•	 To empower employees and provide them with an exemplary                                           ALONGSIDE DEPTH

   work environment every day whilst forging sustainable and                                         940M
   accountable growth as a team
•	 To continuously incorporate best practices and technologies                                       QUAY LENGTH
   across the business
•	 To be amongst the world’s top 3 terminals by 2020                                                 03



                                                                                                     GROUND SLOTS


                                                                                                     REEFER POINTS

COMPANY PROFILE                                                                                      OUR CORE VALUES

South Asia Gateway Terminals Ltd ( SAGT) is a Sri Lankan container terminal transportation           SAGT’s vision is underpinned by
operating shipping service Company located in the Port of Colombo. It is one of the four             five core values that represent
container terminals operating in Colombo Port and offers back-to-back connectivity with the          the principles on which the
new basin of the Port of Colombo that offers deep draft facilities. It is a private limited Company  Company was founded. These five
owned by the John Keells Holdings which is the major shareholder and hold 42% of Company             foundational tenets are cascaded
ownership. The terminal also consists of other major shareholders such as Evergreen Group            down to operational level through
with 10% ownership, APM Terminals with 33% ownership and Sri Lanka Ports Authority with              our Business Credo, Code of
15% ownership of the Company shares. Located on the main East-West shipping route with               Conduct and other policies.
easy access to the coast of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives as well as the entire Bay of
Bengal region, the Colombo Port is ideally positioned to offer integrated port solutions to the            Safety
container shipping and global maritime industry, and thereby serve as a key facilitator of trade
for the South Asia region. SAGT was founded in 1999 as a joint venture on a 30-year Build                  Trust and Integrity
Operate Transfer concession and started its operations on 5 September 1999 developing the
Queen Elizabeth Quay in the Port of Colombo. SAGT is the largest private sector investment                 Customer Centricity
in Sri Lanka and is also the first public-private partnership unit container terminal in Sri Lanka.
SAGT mainly serves as the transport sector to JKH Holdings. Since 1999, the terminal has                   Excellence
been playing a vital major role in the facilitation of international trade through Sri Lanka and
augmenting the capacity of the Colombo Port as South Asia’s main trading hub. It is also                   Team Work
affiliated with the Board of Investments as a flagship Company.
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