Page 33 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 33


transporters, ports, Customs, etc. The shipping  Seeing as the traditional import clearance
process involves the layers of paperwork and     process was paper based and required
documentation at different stages requiring      customers to physically visit the respective
the input of multiple stakeholders including     terminal’s documentation centre to lodge
the Customs and Banks. This cumbersome           paperwork for delivery advice, SAGT
manual process leads to delays in the            implemented e-Delivery Order (e-DO) and
clearance of cargo, which can all be avoided     e-Delivery Advice (e-DA) processes. The
by integrating digital solutions such as Port    e-Delivery Order (e-DO) process enabled
Community Systems that offer seamless            Shipping Lines’ agents/representative to
connection between the systems of multiple       transmit Master Delivery Orders (Master
organisations and stakeholders to create         Dos) to SAGT digitally, which is an essential
a virtual ecosystem. Besides efficiency          document permitting SAGT to issue Custom
gains, digitization has the added benefit of     House Agents (CHA) with electronic Delivery
minimizing the need for physical interactions—   Advice (e-DA). e-DA is an email-based
an important consideration in the context        process for the submission of documents for
of COVID-19. The rise of e-documents,            an electronically transmitted delivery advice.
for instance, allows workers to complete         The process allows SAGT customers to lodge
formalities quickly without delays in handover   applications at their convenience whilst at
of documents and in the convenience of their     the comfort of their homes in order to obtain
own homes.                                       an e-Delivery Advice which could be emailed
                                                 directly to the delivery truck. The new initiative
As the pandemic raged on globally, the           was promoted across print, electronic and
Sri Lankan government enforced country           social media.
wide lockdowns to curb the virus spread
in the Country. Despite the lockdown, the        Following the success of the e-DA process,
logistics and transport industries were          the digitization drive was further expanded
declared essential services entrusted with       with the introduction of the e-Port system
the responsibility to facilitate the smooth      to allow Custom House Agents (CHAs) to
transportation of food, healthcare items         register via the SAGT website. The secure
and other essential goods to meet the            platform allows CHAs to login and calculate
needs of all Sri Lankans. As a prominent         applicable storage charges and make
transhipment hub in the region, it was also      payments online through the newly introduced
important for Sri Lankan ports to continue       payment gateway. The automatic reconciliation
offering uninterrupted services to connect       of payments and automatic generation of
the east and west trade routes and facilitate    invoices via the system also enabled speedier
the transportation of essential goods to         customer service.
destinations around the world.
                                                 SAGT’s digitization efforts, in particular the
Amidst this backdrop, SAGT as one of the four    introduction of e-DO and e-DA processes have
terminal operators in the Port of Colombo,       contributed towards growth of the national
continued to facilitate the movement of          economy and proves SAGT’s commitment
essential goods through the execution of its     towards SDG 8, SDG 9, and SDG 11.
well-prepared business continuity plan (BCP).

At the same time SAGT expedited digitization
efforts are aimed at building a solid backbone
to facilitate proactive decision making and the
flexibility to enhance existing business models
and services, develop new ones through digital
technologies, and ultimately to create new
value for customers and the market.
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