Page 34 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 34




   60%                                            ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY

of RTG fleet to be converted to Hybrid            SAGT is mindful of its impact to the environment and has
     technology by the end of 2021                instigated numerous policies to ensure the Company
                                                  conducts its business in an environmentally sustainable
    05                                            manner. The Company at minimum adheres to all
                                                  environmental regulations of the country.
  acres of land reforested at Yagirala
               Forest Reserve

SAGT takes its responsibility as an environmental steward seriously and undertakes to raise
awareness and promote greater environmental responsibility among its stakeholders. Given SAGT’s
location within the Colombo Port, the Company’s interaction with the surrounding community and
its individual stakeholders is limited.

Premised on its Environmental Policy, SAGT        Environmental reporting and management        terminal activities. Moreover, the Company
is committed to incorporate environmental         methods are constantly being enhanced to      also engages with regulatory bodies such as
practices into the business strategy and          ensure improvement in terms of day-to-day     the Central Environmental Authority (CEA), Sri
operations. The Company adheres to all            management and monitoring of environmental    Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA), and the Marine
relevant local environmental laws and             issues.                                       Environment Protection Authority (MEPA).
regulations and tracks its environmental
performance every quarter, in alignment with      SAGT takes its responsibility as an           From a climate change perspective, SAGT
the relevant GRI Standards. A comprehensive       environmental steward seriously and           places risks mainly from impacts created
Sustainability Management Framework is in         undertakes to raise awareness and promote     by natural disasters such as floods, tidal
place, supported by a spreadsheet-based           greater environmental responsibility among    waves, tsunami, cyclones, typhoons etc, and
software tool for the purpose of data collation,  its stakeholders. Given SAGT’s location       such risks are mitigated via infrastructure
analysis and reporting.                           within the Colombo Port, the Company’s        deployed on the terminal. The terminal
                                                  interaction with the surrounding community    owned engineering and design as well the
The Management Committee is informed of           and its individual stakeholders is limited.   comprehensive insurance port package which
the results of the quarterly analysis and are     The Company has in place mechanisms to        covers SAGT for all the above said risks
expected to identify areas for improvement        receive feedback from stakeholders regarding  including business interruption and terrorism.
while recommending the implementation             their grievances and potential environmental
of appropriate actionable initiatives.            concerns they may have owing to SAGT’s
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