Page 36 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
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As part of the sustainability performance SAGT applies the Green House Gas (GHG) consumption and harmful CO2, NOX and SOX
management system, the consumption of protocol of the World Resources Institute emissions, SAGT initiated the installation of
various materials is tracked and monitored, (WRI) and the World Business Council for new hybrid engines on two RTGs in November
and flagged items communicated to the Sustainable Development (WBCSD), in 2019.
relevant decision-making bodies. measuring carbon emissions which serves
as the basis for monitoring all electricity Since then, two hybrid engines were
The procurement of Materials is centralised to and fossil fuel consumed at SAGT. SAGT introduced as a pilot project and have
ensure cost-effectiveness, improve efficiency calculates its carbon footprint on the basis successfully reported savings of 135,453
of negotiations, and optimise usage. Materials of carbon emission factors as set out in the litres of diesel and a total cost saving of
are sourced via two primary channels: either IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas approximately LKR 14,046,700 for the period
directly through SAGT’s Supply Chain division inventories published by the Institute of Global from November 2019 to March 2021. In light of
or the Sourcing Initiative of the John Keells Environmental Strategies (IGES). the success achieved through this pilot project,
Group for specified items. SAGT expects to convert all 37 RTGs to hybrid
The Company’s carbon intensity is calculated engines by 2022.
The Company’s Supply Chain Division based on the total number of boxes moved.
maintains a supplier registry, where new This will form the base for carbon reduction SAGT consumed 19,220,990 KWh of electricity
suppliers are screened and on-boarded targets in the forthcoming years. from the National Grid during the year, a 9%
through a highly transparent supplier increase in overall electricity consumed from
screening process that focuses on a wide Energy consumption in GJ at SAGT for the the previous year. The 19,220,990 KWh of
range of aspects including social and financial year 2020/21 and 2019/2020 is electricity consumed in the current financial
environmental criteria. Currently, SAGT’s detailed below. year is the equivalent of 16.8KWh of electricity
supply chain consists of equipment suppliers, consumed per box move, which represents a
maintenance service providers, manpower Total Power GJ in FY GJ in FY 29% increase per box move, in comparison
providers, waste disposal service providers Consumed 2020/21 2019/20 to the previous fiscal year, the larger increase
as well as suppliers of fuel, stationery in GJ arising as a result of lower number of boxes
and other consumables totaling over 1244 187,151 194,199 moved during the year in comparison to the
registered suppliers. While most of SAGT’s Diesel 18 32 previous year.
equipment is sourced from large international Petrol
suppliers, manpower, maintenance and other LPG 1,476 1,533 Total Electricity 2020/21 2019/2020
consumable items are sourced locally. Of the Indirect 69,196 63,249 Consumption at
Company’s 1244 registered suppliers, 996 were Energy - SAGT
local suppliers and 248 were international National Grid
suppliers. Eighteen new suppliers were on-
boarded in 2020. 68% of SAGT’s procurement SAGT consumed a total of 6,165,137 litres All QC (kWh) 6,905,037 7,433,388
spend for the year under review was on local of diesel in its operations, a 4 % reduction All Reefers 8,746,700 6,847,100
suppliers. compared to the previous year. Approximately (kWh)
63% of the total diesel used during the year Yard/ 3,569,253 3,288,660
ENERGY AND EMISSIONS was from the operation of Rubber Tyred Building(kWh)
MANAGEMENT Gantry cranes (RTGs). 33% of diesel used
was to power Prime Movers while the balance Reefers consumed the largest share of
GRI 302-1: Energy Consumption within was utilised by yard vehicles and other electricity, amounting to over 46% of the total
the Organisation ancillary and support equipment. Yard vehicles consumption. The total electricity consumed
consumed 190,387 litres of diesel, reflecting a by all QCs was 6,905,037 kWh. Of this, Reefers
SAGT’s Energy and Emissions Policy is 63% increase in consumption compared to the consumed 8,746,700 units of electricity and
designed to conserve energy through green previous year. This increase mainly attributed the Administration Function/Yard activities
practices at all levels of the business and to the increase in the yard vehicle fleet. accounted for 3,569,253 units. This indicated
continuous monitoring of the energy and a 7% reduction in electricity consumed by
emission data pertaining to the Company. In addition, SAGT used 33,563 kg of LPG in its all QCs, as well as a 28% increase in the
kitchens and staff canteens, a 4% decrease consumption of electricity consumed by
year on year. With the aim of reducing diesel reefers and a 9% increase in consumption
by the Administration Function/Yard, in
comparison to the previous year. The increase
in electricity consumed by reefers was a