Page 40 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
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the year. Waste segregation is primarily
segregated as hazardous and non-hazardous
waste and include the specific waste streams
mentioned previously under GRI 306-1 above.

With waste disposal undertaken by waste           Chemical spillage control training provided to relevant staff
disposal contractors certified and authorized
by the Marine Pollution Prevention Authority      SAGT disposed of all other engineering         ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE
(MPPA) and the Central Environmental              and maintenance waste items through third      AND SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT
Authority (CEA) of Sri Lanka, SAGT believes       party recyclers and suppliers who recover
the greatest positive impact it could make        constituent components of such waste items.    GRI 307-1: Non-Compliance with
would be in the reduction of waste generated.                                                    environmental laws and regulations
Whilst materials such as tyres, lubricants,       Similarly, all hazardous and non-hazardous
oils and chemicals are utilized solely on         waste generated by the Company was             SAGT makes no compromises in ensuring
a maintenance schedule and based on               disposed of through various third-party        its compliance with all rules and regulations
equipment specifications, SAGT has taken          contractors who ensure their recovery,         that apply to its operations. The Company
several measures to minimize food waste by        recycling or reuse.                            has from the outset been in compliance with
creating staff awareness and monitoring the                                                      regulations that apply to accidental spills and
daily food waste generated in the canteen.        While SAGT adheres to responsible waste        other environmental issues. There is close and
                                                  disposal via its third-party partners, the     constant monitoring of any fines paid, spills
SAGT is currently in the process of further       Company also remains committed to              and all other compliance related requirements
streamlining its processes related to waste       reducing its use of non-recyclable materials,  as per Sri Lankan legislation as well as
segregation and waste disposals as a part         while reusing materials where possible and     operational health and safety incidents.
of its Sustainability Management Framework        promoting recycling and compositing in order
launched in the previous year. SAGT is            to minimise waste sent to landfills.           During the year under review, SAGT did not
cognizant that waste segregation, and                                                            record any significant spillage of chemicals,
implementation of best practice requires          Through these initiatives, SAGT contributes    oils, fuel or waste oil arising from SAGT’s
the behavioural and mindset changes of its        to two SDGs, namely SDG 12: Responsible        operations. For the purpose of reporting, the
staff, and towards this, has undertaken staff     Consumption and Production, and SDG 15:        Company defines significant spills as any spill
awareness campaigns as well as appointed          Life on Land.                                  that requires LKR 1 million to treat and clean.
dedicated staff to manage the waste collection
and sorting areas within the premises. These                                                     No significant fines have been imposed on
personnel are responsible not only for the                                                       SAGT for non-adherence to Environment
management and arranging disposal, but also                                                      regulations. Significant fines are defined as
for the collection of data and reporting such                                                    any fine over LKR 1 million.
data to the Sustainability Division.

GRI 306-3: Waste Generated

The Company generated 1018.2 MT of waste
during the financial year 2020/21. Of this, 70.4
MT was classified as hazardous waste and
was disposed of via specialised third-party

Food waste amounted to 12% of the total
waste generated during the year and was
disposed through a third party and sent for
animal feed or reused.
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