Page 41 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 41


SAGT has undertaken a noise pollution study         reason to believe may be at risk with regard to
with a view to identifying areas of operation       their operational impacts on environmental and
where noise levels combined with ambient            social matters.
noise levels are relatively high; once identified,
the Company will take measures to reduce the        SAGT intends to work with its significant
overall noise levels, including equipment level     suppliers to ensure they too share the
initiatives such as harmonics.                      Company’s commitment to sustainability best
                                                    practices, including ensuring safe working
GRI 308-1: New suppliers that were                  conditions for their employees, ensuring
screened using environmental criteria               workers are treated with respect and dignity,
                                                    and conducting their operations in an
SAGT considers it a responsibility to improve       environmentally responsible manner.
sustainability integration across its value chain
to ensure that its significant suppliers too        The following tools enable SAGT to enforce
progress on their sustainability journeys.          social and environmental best practices
                                                    among significant suppliers;
During the year SAGT launched the “SAGT
Supplier Portal ‘’, a value-added service for       -	 The Supplier Code of Conduct – The
paperless supplier registration and invoicing.         code sets forth SAGT’s expectations from
The portal has offered solutions to practical          suppliers in social and environmental
issues faced due to travel restrictions by             matters.
including tools such as host to host payments,
paperless purchasing and online pay order           -	 Supplier Self-Declaration – Suppliers are
processing.                                            expected to declare their operations are
                                                       in full compliance with the applicable laws,
Also, during the year SAGT launched its                rules, and regulations of the countries in
Supplier Code of Conduct and Supplier Self             which they operate.
Declaration Form to inform as well as obtain
adherence of its significant suppliers to           It is planned that SAGT would audit
environmental and social best practices while       sustainability performance of significant
providing goods and services to SAGT.               suppliers by conducting audits on randomly
                                                    selected suppliers. In the year under review,
SAGT defines a significant supplier as a            SAGT has screened 10 suppliers out of
supplier that is dedicated to SAGT or provides      18 newly introduced suppliers for their
a significant portion of its goods and services     environmental and social compliance through
only to SAGT, the top suppliers from a              the supplier questionnaire.
procurement value excluding international
suppliers, and suppliers who have very little
influence over SAGT’s operations and vice
versa, as well as suppliers that SAGT has
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