Page 44 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 44




contracted personnel and validates the     Contractor's Personnel                       Total Employees
same with documentary evidence from the    by Gender                                    - Age analysis
                                                           1%                                11%

The graphs below show the diversity of                                                                   20%
SAGT’s workforce based on age and gender.

Employee       2020/21 2019/20                                            99%                            69%
Composition          672 674
by Gender              30 28               Sub Contract Casual Labour - Male            Under 30
                     702 702               Sub Contract Casual Labour - Female          Aged 30-50
Total                                                                                   Over 50
Employees                                  Workforce by     2020/21     2019/20         During the year, 5.2% of the Company’s
- Male                                     Gender                                       entire workforce were female; this includes
Total                                                           1484         1520       01 female representative on the Senior
Permanent                                  Total Male              37           38      Management Committee, 02 Managers, 06
Employees                                  Workforce                                    Assistant Managers, 18 Executives and 03
- Female                                   Total Female         1521         1558       Non-Executives.
Total                                      Workforce
Permanent                                  Total Workforce                              As a member of the SheWorks Sri Lanka
Employees                                                                               campaign of the International Finance
                                                                                        Corporation’s (IFC) Women in Work
Employee Composition                                                                    programme (WiW), SAGT promotes the
by Gender                                                                               campaigns mandate to promote gender
                                                                                        equality among the private sector workforce
             4%                                                                         in Sri Lanka and find business solutions that
                                                                                        help boost the quality and quantity of jobs
                                           Workforce                                    for women and men. Working in an industry
                                           by Gender                                    where globally, women’s participation is at a
                                                                                        mere 4%, SAGT has made concerted efforts
                                                          2%                            to bring more women into the business
                                                                                        through the introduction of targeted internship
                               96%                                                      programmes at local universities. As a result of
                                                                                        these initiatives, SAGT recruited two women to
Total Permanent Male Employees                                                          its engineering department – for the first time
Total Permanent Female Employees                                                        in two decades of operations.

Contractor’s   2020/21 2019/20                                                     98%  As part of its commitment to creating “A Great
Personnel by         812 846                                                            Place to Work for All: Better for Business,
Gender                  7 10                               Total Male Workforce         Better for People, Better for the World”, SAGT
                     819 856                               Total Female Workforce       has participated in ‘Great Place to Work’
Subcontract                                                                             assessments since 2018. It is currently in the
Casual Labour                              Total            2020/21     2019/20         process of implementing the findings of the
- Male                                     Employees
Subcontract                                - Age analysis         143          153
Casual Labour                                                     483         474
- Female                                   Under 30
Total                                      Aged 30-50               76          75
Subcontract                                Over 50                702         702
Casual Labour                              Total
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49