Page 47 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 47


The total work-related injury rate among
employees was 0.71 per 100 employees,
while the total work-related injury rate
for contractor’s personnel was 1.3 per 100
contractor’s personnel. The overall injury rate
was recorded at 1.1 per 100 workers.

Occupational injuries or diseases that result
in an employee being unable to report to
work for less than one day are categorized
as minor injuries an excluded from the injury
rate calculations. However, SAGT maintains
records of such injuries.

A series of new health and safety measures       SAGT commissioned two Container Top Safety Work Cages (CTS-WC) to
were introduced at SAGT in response to the       enhance the safety of its container lashing crew for operations on board.
COVID-19 pandemic. Among these measures
were daily temperature checks; compulsory        IMDG recommendations. The carrier and the        Training requirements are identified as part of
health declaration required of all permanent     shipper of such cargo are expected to ensure     the annual performance appraisal undertaken
employees, contract employees and visitors;      that all Dangerous Goods containers delivered    for SAGT’s Executive and Non-Executive
disinfection of all containers and public areas  to the SAGT terminal are appropriately           staff members. The SAGT performance
and the provision of disposable masks and        marked, labelled, and placarded in accordance    management system includes a self-appraisal
gloves for employees to wear on Company          with IMDG/UN classifications so that they can    feature through which employees may request
premises. As per the advice of health            be identified easily and segregated properly.    training for themselves while their supervisors
authorities, the Company also set up isolation                                                    can nominate employees for training where
chambers on the premises.                        For the first time in the Port of Colombo, SAGT  necessary.
                                                 commissioned two Container Top Safety
Given the risks associated with the type         Work Cages for the safety of the container       Training hours provided during the year
of interactions that take place during day       lashing crew. These safety cages allow lashing   totalled 4,545 hours; this was a reduced
to day operations, conducted a successful        contractors to carry out on-board container      number compared to previous years and
vaccination program for its employees and        lashing operations even in extreme weather       can be attributed to the inability to conduct
subcontracted casual labour. All employees       conditions such as rain and wind.                training for large groups due to COVID-19
and subcontract casual labour who had                                                             restrictions preventing large gatherings. On
consented to be vaccinated were administered     TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT                         average, SAGT provided 6.5 hours of training
both doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca                                                              per employee, with an average of 5.9 hours
vaccine. The Company also conducted a series     GRI 404-1: Average hours of training per         of training for male employees and 19.6 hours
of COVID-19 awareness sessions to inform         year per employee                                dedicated for female staff.
employees on the procedures to be followed
in the event a positive patient is found at the                                                   Employee        2020/21 2019/20
workplace.                                                                                        Training Hours
                                                 The Training and Development Policy is                           41 276
SAGT’s Dangerous Cargo SOP lays out              designed to develop technical skills and soft    Above Manager
procedure in handling Dangerous Cargo (DG).      skills of each employee to help facilitate the   grades          545 1481
At the outset, Dangerous Cargo is segregated     achievement of individual and organisational     Managers        418 585
within the SAGT yard in compliance with          objectives. The core objectives of the training  Assistant
international standards and recommendations.     and development programmes is to retain          Managers        1200           1824
During segregation, DG containers must           a stable talent base that will allow SAGT to     Executives      2341           9048
maintain a specific distance between             sustain its competitive edge over time.          Non-Executives  4545           13214
incompatible dangerous goods as per IMDG/                                                         Total Training
UN classifications and also in accordance with                                                    Hours
   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52