Page 48 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 48




     Employee              12%                     New Hires by    2020/21 2019/2020        The total number of personnel leaving
     Training Hours                                Gender                  23 68            employment during the period under review
                                                                            27              was 05 (FY 2019/20: 11). The total new hires
                    1%                             Male New                                 leaving employment was 02 (FY 2019/20: 0).
                                9%                 Female New                               The following graph illustrates SAGT’s attrition
                                                   Hires                                    by age.

52%                                                     New Hires                           Attrition by Age  2020/21 2019/2020
                                                        by Gender                                                      33
                                                                                            Aged below 30              27
                                                                     4%                     Aged between
                                                                                            30 and 50                  01
                                26%                                                         Aged above 50

     Above Manager Grades  Executives                                                            Attrition
     Managers              Non-Executives                                                        by Age
     Assistant Managers

SAGT’s crane simulator, which provides a                                  96%               20%
realistic reproduction of the visual, behavioural
and operational characteristics of Quay                 Male New Hires
Cranes, is a useful tool where inexperienced            Female New Hires
trainee operators can develop skills before
moving on to live equipment. The simulator         New Hires by          2020/21 2019/2020                           68%
can be programmed to the two crane models          Age Group
in use at SAGT and allows operators to learn
intuitively. The simulator is also used to carry   New Hires aged         17 47                  Aged Below 30
out assessments during recruitment.                below 30                5 25                  Aged Between 30-50
                                                   New Hires aged                                Aged Above 50
TALENT MANAGEMENT                                  between 30 and          33
                                                   50                                       The Engineering department has since 2008
GRI 401-1: New employee hires and                  New Hires aged                           offered training opportunities to students
employee turnover                                  above 50                                 in technical fields. They are offered a
                                                                                            comprehensive training programme under the
SAGT continuously tracks and monitors key               New Hires                           guidance of qualified staff, with the objective
labour indicators including new hires and               - by Age Group                      of absorbing them into the permanent cadre
attrition, and their composition in terms of                                                whenever opportunities arise. Many former
gender and age group etc.                                    12%                            trainees have gone on to successfully join the
                                                                                            Company’s engineering cadre.
Total new hires during the period stood at         20%
25, of which 21 employees were hired on a                                                   The Company also introduced a policy to
permanent basis and 04 members taken in                                                     support and reimburse Postgraduate studies
on a contract basis. Of the new hires, 23 were                                              and Professional memberships with the
male, while 02 were female. The total number                                                intention of supporting personal development
of attritions during the period was 05; SAGT                                                and career growth of the employees.
maintained its attrition rate at 1.6 percent.

                                                        New Hires Aged Below 30
                                                        New Hires Aged Between 30-50
                                                        New Hires Aged Above 50
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53