Page 49 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
P. 49


GRI 406-1: Incidents of discrimination and         CUSTOMER HEALTH & SAFETY                          CUSTOMER PRIVACY
actions taken
                                                   GRI 416-2: Incidents of non-compliance            GRI 418-1: Substantiated complaints
It is SAGT’s intent to provide a safe and          concerning the health and safety impacts          concerning breaches of customer privacy
secure working environment that allows every       of products and services                          and losses of customer data
employee the opportunity to be productive,
earn a fair income and develop their skill         SAGT’s health and safety policy enshrines the     The confidentiality of customers’ personal
set for career advancement in their chosen         critical need to ensure the health and safety     information is a priority and is maintained at
field, regardless of race, gender, nationality,    of its customers. The Company’s HSMS has          SAGT through a range of IT system controls,
religion, or any other factor. In 2019, SAGT also  established separate standard operating           and regular audits that ensure the adequacy of
introduced its Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy       procedures to assure the safety of customers,     security measures in place. The Sustainability
and Whistle-blowing Policy in 2019 – a first for   agents of shipping lines and other third parties  Division monitors any instances of loss of data
any organisation within the Port of Colombo.       that visit SAGT premises.                         and privacy and customer complaints therein
During the period under review, there were                                                           on a quarterly basis.
no incidents reported under the Company’s          The HSMS seeks to minimise any avoidable
whistle blowing policy. One incident recorded      injuries and adopts preventative maintenance,     The Company had not recorded any
under the Anti sexual harassment policy was        hazard assessment and mitigation to provide a     complaints with respect to breach of customer
reviewed and successfully resolved by the          safe and secure environment while continuous      privacy during the year under review.
Management during the year.                        engaging stakeholders to build a strong
                                                   safety culture. The Company also periodically     SOCIO - ECONOMIC COMPLIANCE
GRI 407-1 Operations and suppliers in              tracks and monitors its level of emergency
which the right to freedom of association          preparedness and security protection along        419-1: Non-compliance with laws and
and bargaining may be at risk                      with any reported customer health and safety      regulations in the social and economic
                                                   incidents. During the year, there have been       area
SAGT stands by its employees’ right to             no complaints filed against SAGT’s health and
freedom of association and any employee is         safety practices by shipping lines and shipping   SAGT conducts quarterly risk assessments to
therefore free to join an industrial association   agents.                                           track the Company’s performance with regard
and take industrial action when required, in                                                         to compliance with environmental, social and
conformance with the laws of the Country.          However, in the year under review, 24             other regulatory requirements. During the year
During the year under review, 80.63% of            violations were recorded of third parties not     there were no significant fines imposed on
SAGT’s employees belonged to trade unions,         adhering to SAGT’s health and safety policies.    SAGT. SAGT defines significant fines as any
with which the Company maintains cordial           Accordingly, the Company is working to            fine over LKR 1 Million.
relationships. SAGT also intends to assess         revamp its safety briefings for third parties
Freedom of Association risks in its supply         entering the premises to reinforce their
chain partners in future.                          adherence to the Company’s safety SOP’s.


GRI 409-1: Operations and suppliers at
significant risk for incidents of forced or
compulsory labour

No employee is made to work against his/her
will, nor are they made to work in the capacity
of bonded/forced labour. SAGT ensures that
no members of its workforce are subject to
corporal punishment or coercion of any kind at
the workplace.

During the year under review, zero instances
of forced and compulsory labour have been
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