Page 9 - SAGT Sustainability Report 2023-2024
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process through the launch of the Electronic       and conducive to diversity and embraces              HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR
Delivery Advice (e-DA), that permitted the         opportunity for individual growth.
issuance of e-DAs to Customs House Agents                                                               •	 Infrastructure development over USD
via email, enabling a contactless, remote          SAGT recorded a total workforce of 1521                 18.2 Million
release. The success of the e-DA process           persons during the period under review,
resulted in the introduction of an integrated      consisting of 702 persons directly employed by          o	 Investments in H&S infrastructure:
secure online payment platform through an          SAGT and 819 contractor personnel. Workforce               -	 Top safety work cages
enhancement to SAGTs web-based e-Port              movements in the year saw 25 new hires and
facility. This enabled customers to calculate      05 resignations - an attrition rate of 0.7 %.           o	 Investments in terminal
charges, generate their invoices and make                                                                     infrastructure:
payment online, all completely contactless         In another first for the Port of Colombo                   -	 Ship-to-Shore (STS) quay cranes
and remote, with no necessity to visit the         and as part of our commitment to our core                     (QC) -2
SAGT offices. This pandemic induced series         value of safety first, SAGT invested in two                -	 Prime movers-46
of initiatives, which were innovatively adopted    (2) new Container Top Safety Work Cages
using digital technologies, was yet another first  (lashing cages) to enhance the safety of the            o	 Investments in green technology:
by SAGT and led the way for implementation         container lashing/un-lashing crews engaged                 -	 Hybrid RTGs
by all terminal operators in the Port of           for operations working at heights on board
Colombo. The success enabled SAGT to               vessels serviced by the Company.                     •	 Continuation of monitoring SAGTs
achieve new levels of operational and service                                                              sustainability performance on
excellence and efficiency that delivers greater    An average of 6.5 hours of training per                 a quarterly basis, identifying
value to our customers through innovation          employee was carried out during the year                environmental and social risks and
and digitalization, whilst achieving significant   with training requirements identified through           opportunities
improvements in productivity and conservation      technical requirements of roles (on the job
of utilities and paper.                            training) and skills identified during the           •	 Internal process audits to ensure
                                                   performance appraisals.                                 adherence to Sustainability SOPs
The year under review saw the beginning of
what a sustained period of new investment to       The Company is governed by world class               •	 Pandemic response including work
further develop and augment the terminal’s         and meticulous health and safety standards              from home, dedicated staff transport,
infrastructure. SAGT ordered two (2) Ship-to-      across its operations, thereby creating a safer,        vaccination drive and other social
Shore (STS) cranes to enhance its operational      healthier environment for its workforce. SAGT           distancing and sanitization procedures
efficiencies at the quay side, along with forty    continues to strive towards eliminating fatal
six (46) new prime movers.                         and severe outcomes following accidents            Employees reporting to the office were
                                                   in the workplace through continuous and            required to follow safety measures including
These investments of over USD 18.2                 ongoing improvement. Increased employee            mandatory mask wearing, daily temperature
Mn (approx. LKR 3.45billion), as capital           collaboration and dialogue around safety           checks, self-health declarations before coming
expenditure during the year will positively        topics to foster a stronger learning culture with  to work and disinfection of work and common
augment SAGT’s overall asset base. They also       clearly defined health and safety strategies,      areas after use. The company also took
underscore our commitment to living our core       are a vital and ever-present element to driving    steps to establish and maintain sanitization
values of safety, quality and customer service     necessary change at all levels of the business.    points throughout the terminal, separators
by benchmarking global maritime industry best                                                         and shields in the dining rooms and common
practices, which in turn augment the Port of       A total of 16 recordable injuries occurred         areas and allocated isolation containers for
Colombo’s position as a world class maritime       during the year, with 64 lost days. There were     appropriate management of any possible
hub port.                                          no fatalities recorded during the year in review.  cases.

The wellbeing and safety of our employees          In the year under review, SAGT adopted a           All SAGT staff, as essential service providers,
and the communities in which we operate            combination of remote and on-site working          were offered the vaccination against the virus
is a major priority for SAGT and has been          practices as a precautionary measure to            on priority basis during the government’s
embedded into our core values since                prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic.           Covid-19 vaccine roll out. The company
inception. We proactively seek to provide          The Company ensured “safe distancing” in           partnered with a leading health care provider
a safe work environment that is respectful         the office and where possible implemented          to set-up a mobile vaccination centre at the
                                                   split teams and staggered working hours.           terminal premises itself. The vaccine drive was
                                                                                                      carried out over 4 days for both doses allowing
                                                                                                      access to all staff including staff working on
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