Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct

At SAGT we are governed by an extensive corporate governance framework, a code of business conduct and ethics and a core value system that is permeated through the entire organisation.

What is Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics?

SAGT’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is a published handbook encompassing the company’s core values and guides business operations.
By adhering to the Code, we uphold our values and principles. SAGT’s brand and reputation is best known for its integrity – an attribute we intend to uphold in all that we do. Further, it assists all employees to stay focused on areas of ethical risks and provides guidance in recognising and dealing with ethical issues and provides mechanisms to report unethical conduct without fear of retribution.

The Code covers the following key areas which are applicable to SAGT employees, board members and all others who perform services for the Company.